What is our focus:
There are two areas to focus on to make sure we are caring for God's creation.
nations and their people must address reversing global warming and reducing the degradation of natural habitats.
Our love for God must be reflected in fulfilling the role God gave to humanity. God appointed us to bear God’s image (Gen 1:27) and entrusted this world to our care(Gen. 2:15). So caring for God’s creation is one of the most fundamental things we are called to do as Christians.
Can I be a part of the committee?
Absolutely! All are welcome to join. Contact Peter Gebhardt at 715-630-3584 or [email protected] or
Carol Moore at 715-340-3362 or [email protected].
Current News from Creation Care Steward Teams
Environmental Sustainability: Our Building
Natural Environmental Sustainability: Our Property
Creation Care 2024 Goals
Environmental Sustainability - Our Building
If you have any questions about the Beloved Community’s Creation Care Projects, please contact the office at [email protected] or 715-310-9295, and we will connect you with the Coordinators.
There are two areas to focus on to make sure we are caring for God's creation.
- Help reduce global warming: Conserve natural resources by developing alternate power sources that make our building more energy efficient
- Help preserve and expand natural resources worldwide: develop a prairie, rain garden, and landscape options for birds, pollinators, and wildlife; move toward sustainable living that does not harm the environment.
nations and their people must address reversing global warming and reducing the degradation of natural habitats.
Our love for God must be reflected in fulfilling the role God gave to humanity. God appointed us to bear God’s image (Gen 1:27) and entrusted this world to our care(Gen. 2:15). So caring for God’s creation is one of the most fundamental things we are called to do as Christians.
- Genesis 1:1-31 God made the heavens and the earth and it was good.
- Genesis 2:15 Humans are commanded to care for God’s creation.
Can I be a part of the committee?
Absolutely! All are welcome to join. Contact Peter Gebhardt at 715-630-3584 or [email protected] or
Carol Moore at 715-340-3362 or [email protected].
Current News from Creation Care Steward Teams
Environmental Sustainability: Our Building
- Task Force Members include: Peter Gebhardt; Dorey & Jamie Delikowski; John Rendall; Larry Kind; and Tom Ordens. They have worked closely with Ryan Negro from Focus on Energy.
- Upgraded all outdoor and indoor lights to LED lights, except for gym. Savings for the lighting upgrade - saving 11,758 kWh; Annual savings -$1295.79; Cost payback 3.38 years Cost: $4383.71, paid for by Focus on Energy incentive and capital accounts of both churches.
- Replace refrigerators and dishwashers to Energy Star appliances, saving 2,202 kWh. Cost - $3,000.00
- Investigate solar panels as alternative solar source.
Natural Environmental Sustainability: Our Property
- Task Force Members include Paul Doxsee; Larry Kind; Carol Moore; Judy Ordens; Mary Schoonover; 350 Stevens Point; and UWSP Environmental Restoration Society. We have worked closely with Brendan Woodall, US Fish and Wildlife Services, who provided the seeds and plant plugs for our prairies.
- Developed a prairie and a pollinator garden on our South property.
- Developed a native rain garden on our North property.
Creation Care 2024 Goals
Environmental Sustainability - Our Building
- Replace Gym lights to LED lights will occur in June/July and will save 3,000 kWh. Cost: $5,278.00, paid for by Focus on energy incentive, major funding by Beloved Community member, and the remainder through the Redeemer Lutheran Church capital account.
- Replace refrigerators and dishwasher to Energy Star appliances. Cost - $3,000.00
- Keep solar energy on the docket.
- Install water lines to East, South, and West properties - Cost: $1,500.00
- Install Three Sisters Gardens - Cost: $1179.00
- Repair Front Waterfall and West Door Pond - Cost: $4,000.00
If you have any questions about the Beloved Community’s Creation Care Projects, please contact the office at [email protected] or 715-310-9295, and we will connect you with the Coordinators.
M: 9am-2pm T: 9am-2pm W: 9am-2pm Th: 9am -2pm Fr: Closed |
Email Address[email protected] 900 Brilowski Rd. Stevens Point, WI 54482
[email protected]. |